‘The Southwellian’ was a document, published annually, that recorded all the significant events, results and happenings in the school. It ran from 1894 to 1976 and was a key reference document for both teachers and pupils. Find out what really happened in your year!

What New?
During January 2014 we have added 22 more Southwellians bringing the total now to 55 editions out of the 74 actually published and of course we are looking for the whole set. You may well be interested in the issues from 1936-37 to after WW2 including the views of Bishop Talbot, after a vista to Germany, and his comment on the "Hitler Youth.' You might also want to read the Easter 1926 careers advice for boys on 'White Magic' in practice its a very good bid to try to get students into electrical engineering which was the go-go profession of the age.
If you have any of the missing copies we would be grateful if you advise the OSS Committee
If you have any of the missing copies we would be grateful if you advise the OSS Committee