Reunion 2011 Report
21/04/11 16:56 Filed in: Reunion 2011
The Reunion Dinner took place on the 16th April 2011 at the Saracens Head Hotel and 52 people attended. The numbers were a little down on 2010 when 60 attended, but there is still a trend towards a growing number of members bringing their partners.
Although we tried hard to attract younger guests by offering a £7 discount for the under 30’s, sadly no one took up the offer.
We did have some highlights:-
A surprise and welcome visit from Alan (Chocker) Yates and Margaret Pulford. Alan is now 97 but still managed to get around with only a little aid and we have a couple of photos of him for those who could not make it.
The target year was those leaving in 1959 (or close) and, at a guess, nearly half of the guests were from that era. Our thanks to Trevor Sokell for organising this and to all those who helped and contributed to its success.
We were entertained, and I do mean this in the proper sense of the word, by a ‘Barber's Shop Singing Group’ from the Minster School, with Director of Music Duncan Lloyd, who also took part. We thank them all, and hope that we can do something along these lines in future years.
We had 2 ex-students who had never been to a reunion dinner and who thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Photos of all the above can be found on the website by following..
The Society is most grateful for the very generous donations of Raffle prizes, from both local businesses and members of the Society. The Diners' response at the Dinner resulted in a significant contribution (more than £350) to the Society's funds.
Although we tried hard to attract younger guests by offering a £7 discount for the under 30’s, sadly no one took up the offer.
We did have some highlights:-
A surprise and welcome visit from Alan (Chocker) Yates and Margaret Pulford. Alan is now 97 but still managed to get around with only a little aid and we have a couple of photos of him for those who could not make it.
The target year was those leaving in 1959 (or close) and, at a guess, nearly half of the guests were from that era. Our thanks to Trevor Sokell for organising this and to all those who helped and contributed to its success.
We were entertained, and I do mean this in the proper sense of the word, by a ‘Barber's Shop Singing Group’ from the Minster School, with Director of Music Duncan Lloyd, who also took part. We thank them all, and hope that we can do something along these lines in future years.
We had 2 ex-students who had never been to a reunion dinner and who thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Photos of all the above can be found on the website by following..
The Society is most grateful for the very generous donations of Raffle prizes, from both local businesses and members of the Society. The Diners' response at the Dinner resulted in a significant contribution (more than £350) to the Society's funds.