Reunion Dinner 2013

The Society Needs You,
your ideas, and up to date e-mail addresses

We are once again at a crossroads.

A few years ago, in an attempt to attract new members to the Society, it was decided that membership/joining fees would be abolished. Membership is now automatic, in exchange for a current, non-school based e-mail address. Unfortunately this move did not markedly change the recruitment rate.

With the high postal rates, the Society can no longer afford to communicate using the Royal Mail. We therefore use either e-mail, Facebook, Friends Reunited or via the Society's website.

We have on our membership database approximately 1200 names. Of those, we only about 200 have a current e-mail address.

We recognise that communication is one of our problems, and this is where you can help. If you receive this letter, then obviously we have your e-mail address. In which case please spread the news of this appeal, to all your ex-Minster School, Edward Cludd and Grammar School contacts, and ask them to contact the Secretary with their details.

Next comes the big question. Is the Old Southwellian Society relevant in current times?

The under 40's have probably hardly ever heard of it. If you are aged about 40, you are probably just beginning to think that it is. If you are around 60, you will more than likely be saying that it most definitely is. At 70+ when reminiscing becomes more interesting, the Society more and more helps to focus thoughts on people and events from your school days and early years.

The Committee is well aware that modern electronic communications may make the idea of an Annual Reunion Dinner for example, redundant. It is also conscious that the world-wide dispersal of ex Minster School students makes it impractical, if not impossible for many of them to meet up on a regular basis.

If the Society is to continue it has to adapt to a new social environment or fade away. The Committee needs your help. We need more Committee members for a start. Committee members who are committed, and are in a position to take charge of projects from time to time, and see them through to fruition. We are particularly anxious to welcome onto the Committee younger members of the Society. At present we have just one Committee member who can be called "young", and who has given much valued service for a number of years.

The future and relevance of The Society is a question that must be addressed. Please give it some thought and let the Secretary have your comments, ideas, suggestions etc., anything, ASAP.

Best wishes for the New Year

Barrie Doar
Hon. Secretary