New School Opening in 2007

New School

The New Minster School Southwell was officially opened by his RH Prince Edward on the 16th July 2008. The new schools function is to be a Specialist Humanities and Music College. This event was accompanied by a string quartet and a demonstration of Brazilian dancing to illustrate the focus of the new school. We have a video of the event.

Actual Opening

The actual opening was in September 2007 and was the physical manifestation of the two-site school (Edward Cludd and the Minster Comprehensive School) joining together some years before.

BBC Coverage

A sneak preview can be obtained by watching the video coverage of the East Midlands Today program, made in 2006, features an excellent commentary made by one of the students (Kate Baggaley, I hope that I have the spelling right) and an interview with the Headmaster Phil Blinstone.

More Photos

For those who have not been inside the New Minster School, never mind a proper tour by the current head Canon Blinston, you have missed a rare treat. Read more