14/09/10 17:20
The History of the Minster School was written and researched by David Hutchinson, a former history teacher at the Minster School. He writes 'The present Southwell Minster School came into being in September 1976 as an 11-18, co-educational comprehensive. One of our "ancestors" was a grammar school, established in the Middle Ages. No precise date can be given to the grammar school's foundation. It was always a small school - on a number of occasions in danger of ceasing to exist. It did not develop a reputation for producing pupils who became household names, nor did it set any trends in education. Yet, through descent from the Grammar School, the Minster School is part of a line of development which may go back further than that represented by any other English school now outside the private sector. And, precisely because the Grammar School, and the other ancestors of the modern comprehensive, were not too much out of the ordinary, their story is the more important'.
Follow the link for a definitive history There is no doubt that this a quite brilliant write-up and represents the last word is how more than half a dozen educational establishments came together to form the modern school. We thank Mr David Hutchinson.
Tags: Minster School, History, History Book, Hutchinson