The Millenary Celebrations
11/09/14 13:52 Filed in: Millenary
The Millenary is the thousandth anniversary of the granting of a charter. By this charter King Eadwy gave to Oskytel, Archbishop of York, the Manor of Southwell. It is in fact a grant of land in and around Southwell and as a result the Archbishop of York were able to establish their Minster in Southwell and with it the church, the school and the palace. It is rightly our foundation date. The charter exists in York though the Latin part is easily translatable the Saxon part has defied the most eminent Anglo-Saxon scholars. Be as it may, the year 956 is generally accepted as the proper date and it is right that we should celebrate it as part of the foundation.
The plans are for a Millenary service on June 9th 1956 to which will come the Archbishop of Canterbury and all kinds of representative and in all probability her Majesty the Queen Mother will attend. The next event will be a Great Pageant of Southwell, organised initially by the school, to be performed by the West doors of the Minster on July 6th and 7th. In mid October a special Commemoration Service for the school will be held and in the evening of that day, after the Prize Giving, there will be a concert of sufficient importance to bring distinguished guests. Finally at the end of the year a play before Christmas in the Minster. Details of these will all go into the Millenary Programme to be published early in the New Year. There will no doubt be other events arranged by the Old Boys and their Friends and notices to all concerned will be sent.
From an extract written by B J Rushby Smith in The Southwellian 1954-1955
Additional information can be found in The Southwellian in the following years:- 1955-56, 1956 Pageant
You can view 39 images of the Millenary Celebrations
The Millenary is the thousandth anniversary of the granting of a charter. By this charter King Eadwy gave to Oskytel, Archbishop of York, the Manor of Southwell. It is in fact a grant of land in and around Southwell and as a result the Archbishop of York were able to establish their Minster in Southwell and with it the church, the school and the palace. It is rightly our foundation date. The charter exists in York though the Latin part is easily translatable the Saxon part has defied the most eminent Anglo-Saxon scholars. Be as it may, the year 956 is generally accepted as the proper date and it is right that we should celebrate it as part of the foundation.
The plans are for a Millenary service on June 9th 1956 to which will come the Archbishop of Canterbury and all kinds of representative and in all probability her Majesty the Queen Mother will attend. The next event will be a Great Pageant of Southwell, organised initially by the school, to be performed by the West doors of the Minster on July 6th and 7th. In mid October a special Commemoration Service for the school will be held and in the evening of that day, after the Prize Giving, there will be a concert of sufficient importance to bring distinguished guests. Finally at the end of the year a play before Christmas in the Minster. Details of these will all go into the Millenary Programme to be published early in the New Year. There will no doubt be other events arranged by the Old Boys and their Friends and notices to all concerned will be sent.
From an extract written by B J Rushby Smith in The Southwellian 1954-1955
Additional information can be found in The Southwellian in the following years:- 1955-56, 1956 Pageant
You can view 39 images of the Millenary Celebrations