22/12/10 14:59 Filed in:
First Day | Pony & TrapFrom an old school magazine telling of a 9 year-old boy from Bestwood near Nottingham. The date is 1920 and the destination Southwell. His father had leant about a decent school and had places for 20 boarders. They traveled, on this first day, by foot, by bike, tram, train and station trap. All this was endured without complaint and the whole piece is written in a charming yesteryear style. Link to
pony&trap..Tags: Train, Pony&trap, 1920's, Boarders, Bestwood, Rolleston Junction
13/09/10 13:56 Filed in:
Memories | Memories of the 50's My first memories of Southwell are of attending the audition/entrance exam for a choral scholarship in 1949 at the age of 8. I distinctly remember answering the question, ‘give the opposite of the word POOR’ my answer ‘POSH’. My arrival at the boarding house Sacrista Prebend the following September was truly memorable as being the most awful day of my life up to then. The headmaster Mr. Rushby-Smith seemed to have an aura of immense power and authority from the very beginning.
Read More...Tags: Rushby-Smith, Sacrista, Boarders, Choir, Trebech Hall, Pulford, Minster Cafe, Stayover, Dance, Baker