Wartime Grammar School
16/07/11 16:50 Filed in: Waretime Grammar School
I well remember it was one day during the Easter holiday, 1940, the year of Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain. I was nine years old, and not a little apprehensive. I stood at my father's side while he rang, by appointment, the bell of the front door of the Southwell Grammar School. I was aware that this was to be a significant event in my young life. Read More...
Don Fox's Recollections
02/10/10 14:31 Filed in: Don Fox Recollections
It all started with an NUT outing to Cambridge on which our respective spouses, who taught together at a school in Carlton, had persuaded us to go. This was how I first met the redoubtable Dudley Doy. Within a short time I found myself invited to play in the Dudley Doy X1 against the School and managed to resist the worst that Johnny Bell could hurl at me. Read More...
A Morning with Alan (Chocker) Yates
16/07/12 15:10 Filed in: A Morning with Chocker Yates | Wartime
It's mid August 2010 and we are visiting Alan (Chocker) Yates in a care home in Southwell. Alan is now 96 (his son says 97 but non would argue) but still has bright eyes a strong handshake and a lucid voice that commands that you listen. We are taken to the library on the first floor, which Alan handles with ease and the help of the lift and a wheeled walking frame. This is the story of what came to pass over the next one-hour and a half of fascinating and revealing conversation. You can also read in an interview with the Nottingham Evening Post Read More...
Isn't Science Wonderful
03/09/10 13:47 Filed in: Science | Isn't science wonderful
After the poverty of the Undergraduate years, two years in the army and a further year at University, I was sufficiently desperate for funds to come to Southwell in the September of 1956 to teach Chemistry and some Biology. It was the third time that I had made the journey; in May I had attended interview for the post and in July I had come to play for the staff/pupil cricket match. A few days before the game I had fallen off a bicycle (don’t ask); some facial damage resulted and hence the nick name of Basher/Bruiser. Read More...