22/12/10 14:59
From an old school magazine telling of a 9 year-old boy from Bestwood near Nottingham. The date is 1920 and the destination Southwell. His father had leant about a decent school and had places for 20 boarders. They traveled, on this first day, by foot, by bike, tram, train and station trap. All this was endured without complaint and the whole piece is written in a charming yesteryear style. Link to
pony&trap..Tags: Train, Pony&trap, 1920's, Boarders, Bestwood, Rolleston Junction
02/10/10 14:19
My first day at the Minster Grammar School started by leaving home at 07.45 and walking a mile in my brand new blazer and cap to catch a bus to Southwell. I came from a Secondary Modern School at 13+ and had NO choice of where I was going. This was a day that would influence the rest of my life. I asked one of the others if I had to wear my cap on the bus. If you want was the reply.
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13/09/10 11:59
I guess that we all think that we can recall the happenings and feelings on the first day at big school and certainly I thought I could but in practice the details are sketchy and only a few stood out. Here are my personal recollections:
A windy morning and I seemed to be a long time since my Dad woke me up but its still only eight o'clock: I have been on one bus and would catch three more that day and every day to come.
Read More...Tags: Oxton Flyer, Homework, Padley, Bus